The Perfect Prompt for the Perfect Job Description: How to Find the Best Candidates

· 3 min
Philipp Thomaschewski
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How to create the perfect prompt to find the best candidates

With tools like ChatGPT or FRATCH GPT, you can create suitable project or job descriptions within minutes. Tools like FRATCH GPT even go a step further by suggesting suitable candidates directly. However, the most crucial element to finding the right candidate is the prompt. In this blog post, we will show you how to create the perfect prompt and why it is essential for your recruiting strategy.

Why Are Well-Formulated Prompts Important?

A well-formulated prompt can help you make precise and effective requests to AI models. This speeds up the entire recruitment process and ensures you quickly identify the best candidates. But what does an ideal prompt look like, and what components should it include?

The Ideal Prompt: An Example

An ideal prompt might look like this:

"I am looking for a Senior Project Manager for the implementation of HubSpot CRM for an insurance company based in Munich (Fully Remote). Maximum daily rate: €900."

Key Components of a Successful Prompt

1. Clear Job Title

Ensure the job title is clear and precise. In our example, it is "Senior Project Manager."

2. Core Content Definition

The core content should describe the primary tasks and responsibilities of the position. Here, it is the "implementation of HubSpot CRM."

3. Company/Industry Mention

Mentioning the company or industry helps provide context for the position. In this case, it is an "insurance company."

4. Location

Indicate whether the position is remote or on-site, and specify the location if applicable. Our example shows that the position is "Fully Remote" but the company is based in "Munich."

5. Approximate Budget

Providing a budget helps set expectations for both the applicant and the company. Here, the daily rate is "max. €900."

6. Special Requirements

Mention any special requirements or features of the position, if applicable. This is optional but helpful.

Benefits of a Well-Formulated Prompt

A well-formulated prompt offers several benefits:

  • Efficiency: The project description is quickly created and can be immediately shared or briefed.
  • Candidate Quality: Precise prompts suggest the most suitable candidates, improving the quality of applicants.
  • Time Savings: Less time is spent on briefing and screening, making the entire process more efficient.


The ability to create effective prompts is crucial for every recruiter and hiring manager. With the right components, you can ensure your project descriptions are clear, precise, and effective. Try it out and see how it improves your recruiting process.

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