Whether you need a candidate for a 6-month project or a permanent role, FRATCH helps you find two to six suitable candidates in minutes - ready to interview immediately. Focus on what matters most: getting to know top candidates without sifting through hundreds of mediocre CVs on various recruiting platforms.
FRATCH generates job descriptions in seconds using your input and our database of best practices. Easily share with stakeholders and hiring managers for refinement.
Try FRATCH GPTFRATCH uses over 50,000 hard and soft skills to find the best talent for your position.
FRATCH utilizes the latest AI technology to instantly suggest the best talents for you.
Don’t spend time screening hundreds of mediocre applicants; let FRATCH handle the prescreening so you can focus on getting to know the top 2-6 candidates in-depth to find the perfect fit.
Try FRATCH GPTWith FRATCH GPT, you immediately have access to a freelancer and candidate pool as a service, right out of the box. 10.000 CVs at your fingertips, with no additional costs or implementation efforts.
Do you have questions? Here you can find further information about FRATCH
FRATCH is an AI assistant for sourcing freelancers and interim managers. It supports hiring managers, recruiters, and procurement professionals in identifying suitable candidates within seconds who are immediately ready for an interview. By leveraging artificial intelligence, FRATCH accelerates the procurement process and reduces sourcing costs per freelancer by up to 75% in comparison to traditional recruitment agencies.
FRATCH integrates seamlessly into your existing procurement processes, so you don’t have to make any changes. Alternatively, FRATCH can help you establish a guided buying process for sourcing freelancers and interim managers. This way, your departments receive suitable candidate proposals more quickly and easily with the help of our AI assistant, while automated reporting protects you from maverick buying.
We offer companies an individualized web version of our AI assistant FRATCH GPT. Additionally, our AI assistant can be integrated directly into Microsoft Teams and is thus available to all hiring managers in your organization. FRATCH is designed so that you have minimal or no IT implementation effort.
Companies pay a markup of 10–15% on the freelancer’s daily rate. Payment is only required when the freelancer has actually worked, making the use of FRATCH completely risk-free.
FRATCH places great emphasis on legal security and compliance through:
For more information on our legal security measures, please visit our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy page or contact our legal team.
FRATCH is fully hosted in Europe or Germany. We work exclusively with established and certified cloud providers like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, thereby meeting the highest European data protection standards for our customers.
FRATCH operates exclusively in the DACH region, focusing on supporting businesses in Germany (D), Austria (A), and Switzerland (CH). With a clear emphasis on the specific market dynamics and legal requirements of these countries, FRATCH delivers precise and efficient solutions for sourcing freelancers and interim managers.
Get in touch with the FRATCH team and we will get back to you within 4 hours.
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