Interim Management provides the ideal solution to address the ever-changing needs of businesses. Temporary executives with specialized expertise can be flexibly deployed for specific projects or tasks within the organization. Depending on the experience of the interim managers and the specific requirements of the project, they offer targeted support to efficiently manage changes and successfully overcome challenges.
FRATCH generates job descriptions in seconds using your input and our database of best practices. Easily share with stakeholders and hiring managers for refinement.
Try FRATCH GPTFRATCH uses over 50,000 hard and soft skills to find the best talent for your position.
FRATCH utilizes the latest AI technology to instantly suggest the best talents for you.
Don’t spend time screening hundreds of mediocre applicants; let FRATCH handle the prescreening so you can focus on getting to know the top 2-6 candidates in-depth to find the perfect fit.
Try FRATCH GPTWith FRATCH GPT, you immediately have access to a freelancer and candidate pool as a service, right out of the box. 10.000 CVs at your fingertips, with no additional costs or implementation efforts.